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Digital School Management System

Transform your organization with digital finesse,
From manual chaos to streamlined success. Integrate systems, automate tasks with flair, Efficiency and productivity everywhere. Embrace the digital wave, let innovation lead, Watch your organization thrive, fulfilling every need.

Student & Teacher Class, Exam, Result & Payment Manage
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Academic Management

All Kinds fo Academic Features

Online Admission System

Studnet Online Admission

Students & Teachers

Class Wise Manage

Exam & Result

Exam & Result Publish Manage

Mobile & Web App

Work Process with Mobile App

Discover Digital Education
Story & Mission

Cloud based software

Smart School Management Academic System is a complete customize academic management Software, which is user friendly Web Based Software. This solution is essential for every Educational Institute like English medium School, Bengali medium School, College, Madrasaha etc.

Streamline your school's operations with our cloud-based management software. Unlimited access, anytime, anywhere. Customizable interface tailored to your institution's needs. Robust security features ensure data protection. 24/7 support for seamless assistance.


Years Experience


Students each year


School served

Software Features

Users Management

Academic Management

Student Management

Teacher Management

Online Admission

Class Management

Exam Management

Result Management

Routine Management

Shift Management

Event Management

Off-Day Management

Attendance System

Payment Management

Payroll Management

Custom Dashboard

Cloud Base Service
100% Data Security
School Management System

Product Facility

Through a combination of lectures, readings, discussions, students will gain a solid foundation in educational psychology.

  • Cloud Base Service.
  • Unlimited Number of users.
  • Access from anywhere, anytime.
  • Unlimited PC access.
  • Smooth and easy User Interface.
  • Easy to Customize.
  • Multi-level Password protection.
  • Full featured backup and restorations.
  • Customized reports.
  • 24/7 Support.

24/7 Live

Get instant assistance anytime, anywhere with our 24/7 Live Support software. Our dedicated team is here round-the-clock to address your queries and resolve issues promptly. Experience seamless support tailored to your needs. Elevate your customer experience with our reliable support solutions.

Addition Adorns Features for HR Management

Employee Management

500+ Employee

Attendance Management

Unlimited Attendance

Leave Management

Unlimited Leave

HR Report

Unlimited Reports

Payroll & Increment

Advance Payroll Management

Payment & Salary Report

Auto Payment Integrate

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